Mac-Source 1994 July
C and C++
CHyperText 1.2
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309 lines
SUPERCLASS = CApplication
Copyright © 1994 Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
Original Author: Martin R. Wachter email: mrw@welchgate.welch.jhu.edu
Created: 4/4/94 by: mrw TCL Version: 1.1.3
Modified: 4/5/94 by: mrw TCL Version: 1.1.3
#include "CHyperDemoApp.h"
#include "CDLOGDirector.h"
#include "CDemoDialog.h"
// to suppress class stripping only
#include "CButton.h"
#include "CRadioControl.h"
#include "CRadioGroupPane.h"
#include "CStdPopupPane.h"
#include "CCheckBox.h"
#include "CIconPane.h"
#include "CIntegerText.h"
#include "CHyperText.h"
extern OSType gSignature;
#define kExtraMasters 4
#define kRainyDayFund 20480
#define kCriticalBalance 20480
#define kToolboxBalance 20480
* IHyperDemoApp
* Initialize the application. Your initialization method should
* at least call the inherited method. If your application class
* defines its own instance variables or global variables, this
* is a good place to initialize them.
void CHyperDemoApp::IHyperDemoApp(void)
CApplication::IApplication( kExtraMasters, kRainyDayFund,
kCriticalBalance, kToolboxBalance);
/* The parameters to IApplication are the number of times to call
MoreMasters, the total number of bytes of heap space to reserve for
monitoring low memory situations, and the portion of the memory
reserve to set aside for critical operations and toolbox calls.
Four (4) is a reasonable number of MoreMasters calls,
but you should determine a good number for your application
by observing the heap using Lightsbug,
TMON, or Macsbug. Set this parameter to zero, give your
program a rigorous work-out, then look at the heap and count
how many master pointer blocks have been allocated. Master
pointer blocks are nonrelocatable and have a size of $100
(hex). You should call MoreMasters at least this many
times -- add a few extra just to be safe. The purpose of all
this preflighting is to prevent heap fragmentation. You
don't want the Memory Manager to call MoreMasters and
create a nonrelocatable block in the middle of your heap. By
calling MoreMasters at the very beginning of the program,
you ensure that these blocks are allocated in a group at the
bottom of the heap.
The memory reserve is a safeguard for handling low memory
conditions and is used by the GrowMemory method in
CApplication (check there for more comments). In general,
your program should never request a memory block greater
than this reserve size without explicitly checking in
advance whether there is enough free memory to satisfy the
the request.
* SetUpFileParameters
* In this routine, you specify the kinds of files your
* application opens.
void CHyperDemoApp::SetUpFileParameters(void)
inherited::SetUpFileParameters(); /* Be sure to call the default method */
** sfNumTypes is the number of file types
** your application knows about.
** sfFileTypes[] is an array of file types.
** You can define up to 4 file types in
** sfFileTypes[].
sfNumTypes = 1;
sfFileTypes[0] = 'TEXT';
** Although it's not an instance variable,
** this method is a good place to set the
** gSignature global variable. Set this global
** to your application's signature. You'll use it
** to create a file (see CFile::CreateNew()).
gSignature = '?\??\?';
* SetUpMenus
* Set up menus which must be created at run time, such as a
* Font menu. You can eliminate this method if your application
* does not have any such menus.
void CHyperDemoApp::SetUpMenus()
inherited::SetUpMenus(); /* Superclass takes care of adding
menus specified in a MBAR id = 1
/* Add your code for creating run-time menus here */
* DoCommand
* Your application will probably handle its own commands.
* Remember, the command numbers from 1-1023 are reserved.
* The file Commands.h contains all the predefined TCL
* commands.
* Be sure to call the default method, so you can get
* the default behvior for standard commands.
void CHyperDemoApp::DoCommand(long theCommand)
CDirector *director;
switch (theCommand) {
/* Your commands go here */
case cmdNew:
director = DoDemoDialogClass(TRUE);
default: inherited::DoCommand(theCommand);
* UpdateMenus
* Perform menu management tasks
void CHyperDemoApp::UpdateMenus()
inherited::UpdateMenus(); /* Enable standard commands */
/* Enable the commands handled by your Application class */
* Exit
* Chances are you won't need this method.
* This is the last chance your application gets to clean up
* things like temporary files before terminating.
void CHyperDemoApp::Exit()
/* your exit handler here */
This method creates dummy references to classes that we don't want
stripped out by the linker when the application is built. This could
happen if the class is only created via new_by_name and is never directly
referenced. CApplication automatically calls this method.
void CHyperDemoApp::ForceClassReferences( void)
Boolean alwaysFalse = FALSE;
CObject *dummy = NULL;
if (alwaysFalse == TRUE)
member( dummy, CButton);
member( dummy, CCheckBox);
member( dummy, CRadioControl);
member( dummy, CRadioGroupPane);
member( dummy, CIconPane);
member( dummy, CIntegerText);
member( dummy, CStdPopupPane);
member( dummy, CHyperText);
Creates a dialog from the DLOG resource with the given ID.
CDirector *CHyperDemoApp::DoDemoDialog( short resID, Boolean modal)
CDLOGDirector *dialog = NULL;
long cmd;
dialog = new CDLOGDirector;
dialog->IDLOGDirector( resID, this);
if (modal)
cmd = dialog->DoModalDialog( cmdOK);
ForgetObject( dialog);
ForgetObject( dialog);
return dialog; // not null if dialog is non-modal
Like DoDemoDialog but creates the object from a specific CDemoDialog lass.
CDirector *CHyperDemoApp::DoDemoDialogClass(Boolean modal)
CDemoDialog *dialog = NULL;
long cmd;
dialog = new CDemoDialog;
if (modal)
cmd = dialog->DoModalDialog( cmdOK);
ForgetObject( dialog);
ForgetObject( dialog);
return dialog; // not null if dialog is non-modal